
As an animal handler during the last 2 decades, I feel the need to share the successes of the cybid oil, which I choose to use and recommend many times in recent years.

Written by: Yigal Kotin Professional editing: Dr. Iris Solomon Har-Evan

As an animal handler during the last 2 decades, I feel the need to share the successes of the cybid oil , which I choose to use and recommend many times in recent years. We have collected for you a number of articles and information that can illuminate the broad picture and gather the information for proper use.

Cannabis-based CBD products for pets are still fairly new in the veterinary field, but with the expansion of research on the subject along with therapeutic experience, CBD oil appears to be an extremely effective and safe medicinal substance for pets.

A recent survey of 2,131 participants conducted by the VIN news service found that 63 percent of veterinarians reported being asked about CBD oil for pets at least once a month.

There is also anecdotal evidence supporting the use of hemp-derived CBD products for pets. A 2018 research survey found that pet owners supported and used CBD oil products because of the significant and clear improvement seen in many diseases and various health conditions in pets. Pathologies that include: pain, inflammation, anxiety, digestive system problems, sleep disorders and more.

As in humans, so also in pets and dogs in particular, there is a natural endocannabinoid system that helps regulate many of the different functions of the body in our dogs and cats.

CBD products may help pets in the following ways

  • Reducing inflammation levels (acute and chronic inflammations)
  • pain reduction
  • Reduction in seizures and convulsions
  • Immune system support (ie autoimmune disease, inhibition of cancer growth)
  • Nervous system support
  • Cardiovascular system support
  • reducing anxiety
  • Digestive system support

A 2018 study sought to evaluate the safety, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of CBD oil in dogs with osteoarthritis (arthritis). The researchers gave the dogs doses of 2 or 8 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight. 80 percent of the dogs showed improvement in their pain and mobility. Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that using hemp-derived CBD oil improved the lives of dogs with osteoarthritis [ link to study] [ link to study ].

How do cats and dogs react to CBD?

Significant research remains to be done to thoroughly compare the differences between the endocannabinoid system of pets and how this system responds to phytocannabinoids (synthetic and plant cannabinoids) such as CBD.

There are two main types of cannabinoid receptors in the pet’s body – CB1 and CB2. These receptors help balance and regulate the pet’s immune and central nervous systems, which can ultimately affect inflammation, pain, allergies and mood.

There are three main components of the endocannabinoid system: the receptors, the endocannabinoids, and the enzymes. Endocannabinoids (chemicals produced naturally in a pet’s body) are created on demand and bind to receptors, especially during times of stress, illness or injury.

Phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, act similarly to endocannabinoids in that they also bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body.

Dogs have the highest density of CB1 receptors in the brain compared to any other species, including humans. A recently published study indicated that cats appear to have lower absorption and possibly faster elimination of CBD compared to dogs. Therefore, cats may need to be dosed more often to maintain adequate CBD levels in the blood.

Every pet is different, and not all dogs and cats will see the same results from using CBD products.

CBD oil for treating osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs

Osteoarthritis affects many dogs, large and small. Most often, it is the result of a developmental orthopedic disease that often affects a single joint or a pair of joints, and more rarely, affects multiple joints. Cannabinoids have been found to treat pain secondary to inflammation in several human studies.

Some of the most compelling studies have shown that cannabis can reduce joint inflammation caused in human patients diagnosed with autoimmune arthritis. Studies have shown that cannabinoids can reduce the secretion of cytokines involved in inflammation. Other studies show a decrease in the levels of other inflammatory markers such as interleukins and others. In recent years, more and more studies have been added on dogs and the treatment of osteoarthritis with CBD oil.

A large study on the effects of CBD in a solution for osteoarthritis in animals

A report published in the journal PAIN, led by researchers from Baylor College of Medicine revealed the results of a large, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the positive effects CBD had in treating osteoarthritis. The first part of the study investigated the effect that CBD has on the inflammatory molecules and cells in mice. The second part of the study, investigating whether CBD improves the quality of life in dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis. In laboratory tests and mouse models, CBD significantly reduced the production of natural chemicals that promote inflammation and it increased natural chemicals that fight inflammation.

For dogs with osteoarthritis, CBD significantly reduced pain and increased range of motion in a dose-dependent manner. This research is very promising and supports the safety and therapeutic potential of CBD for relieving joint pain in dogs.

CBD oil for the treatment of epileptic seizures in animals and dogs

The use of cannabis to treat epileptic seizures is nothing new. Cannabis has been described as a treatment for people with seizures for hundreds, if not thousands of years. In recent years, cannabis, and cannabidiol (CBD) in particular, has again been considered for the treatment of seizures in both humans and animals.

In-depth scientific research is currently being conducted to determine how and why CBD is beneficial for such conditions. One of the discoveries is a specific receptor on neurons, known as “GPR55”, which is considered to mediate seizure activity by regulating the activation of neurons. It seems that CBD balances – limits the ability of GPR55 to cause neural excitation and thus it is speculated that the CBD oil works to reduce seizures.

Publication of the first clinical trial evaluating the effects of CBD on seizures in epileptic dogs. The study, conducted at Colorado State University, evaluated the frequency of seizures in dogs with and without the use of CBD. The results showed an 89% reduction in seizure frequency in dogs given 2.5 mg/kg of CBD oil twice daily.

CBD oil for pain relief in animals

Pets today live many years and are treated in a better way. However, with age, problems such as arthritis and other forms of pain and inflammation begin. Conventional drugs commonly used to treat pain sometimes have a negative effect on the immune system, digestive system, liver and kidneys. In addition, they do not always care as effectively as we would like them to – for humans as well as for quadrupeds.

Of all the uses of CBD oil in veterinary medicine, pain relief is perhaps the most well-documented. Research trials have shown profound pain relief effects with CBD for a variety of medical conditions. CBD extracts have been shown to provide relief in human patients with advanced cancer pain, as well as those with nerve-related pain ( link to study ).

A recent important study from Cornell University showed a decrease in pain scores in dogs with arthritis – with no negative side effects – when treated with CBD compared to a placebo.

In a more practical sense, many veterinarians and pet owners have seen the positive effects of CBD oil for treating arthritis and other forms of pain in animals.

Can CBD “sedalize” the pet?

CBD oil is devoid of any psychoactive effects of the hemp and cannabis plants. Unlike THC which is the substance that causes the haze, CBD will not cause such an effect at all!

However, CBD can balance brain activity in pets, leading to some of the potential benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety for dogs and cats.

Is CBD safe for dogs and cats?

Studies have shown that CBD products are very safe for use in both dogs and cats, the only real side effect is drowsiness – so your dog may be a little sleepy. Multiple scientific papers and veterinary publications published in the past two years have shown that even when given high levels of CBD, pets experienced no significant side effects.

What is the right dose of CBD oil for a dog?

A 2018 study on dogs with osteoarthritis showed that the most effective dose for increasing the dogs’ comfort and activity was 2 mg per kg of body weight.

Every dog ​​will react differently, which is why it’s important to start with a small dose, track your pet’s results, and adjust the dose from there.

It often takes about 30 minutes for CBD to take effect. You may not notice a huge change in your dog’s behavior right away – in which case, don’t try to give him more CBD until the next day.

CBD may make a dog seem more relaxed, and it may even make them sleep a little. However, it is correct to carefully monitor the dog after taking the CBD the first few times – if he vomits or avoids eating, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian or a professional.

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